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Let´s Keep The Goals Rolling

Taking Your Business to The Next Level

Needs analysis
(Future Company)

Complete analysis of the Client needs starting from the Business process description, justification and improvement proposal. Standardisation across the global organization focusing on the “full picture” view.

Result: Business and Functional Implementation proposal for all involved departments including the Business change management structure.

Michael Bezdek, Management Consulting
Michael Bezdek, Management Consulting

Fit-Gap analysis
(Analysis & FIT to Industry standards)

Deep dive in the focus areas. Detailed Specification of the User requirements based on the Needs analysis. Detailed process flow drawing with respective initiators, outputs and role assignment.

Result: Full picture of the company structure described in most essential documents (Business guidelines and Process flows) in the structured way describing Company standards together with Job role descriptions.

(Conceptual design)

Solutioning on the business implementation pattern including support streams, especially ERP (functional stream) building blocks. ERP as a key supporting pillar plays the main role in conceptual design hand in hand with building Change management strategy after full implementation.

Result: Functional & Technical specifications completed on the ERP side. Organisational analysis and comparison completed implying the necessary steps in area of Change management

Michael Bezdek, Management Consulting
Michael Bezdek, Management Consulting

(Pillar foundations)

Ensures the strong foundation for future company is built. Typically, strong organisaions are standing on the four-pillar concept. 1. Standardised processes, 2. Functional processes (ERP), 3. Standardised (Strong) Organisational model and 4. Supporting functions (HR, Key functions learning model, etc.). Within the Functional built (ERP) all four pillars are combined into the functional model, working IT system.

Result: Fully implemented ERP system supporting all User requirements. Testing and training needs analysis sumarising the required steps to confirm built successfully reflects all Business, Legal and Tax requirements.

(Pillars standing strong)

Testing needs analysis, known as well as Test overview list, specify all the tests to be performed in regards of confirmation of 1. Unit testing (Functional parts works as expected), 2. E2E testing (Completeness of the process standardisation), 3. Integration testing (Each organisation level has correct level of control and external partners/systems are connected)

Result: Confirms the Design meets the expectations and supports the company in future vision. Testing results (functional and process) results in SOP - Standard operating procedures (Working instructions) and Job role descriptions.

Michael Bezdek, Management Consulting
Michael Bezdek, Management Consulting

(4th Pillar = Supporting)

Organisational and Functional changes have significant impact on the day-to-day operations. Training need analysis converted to the training execution supports each organisation on the three main pillars. Trained associates easily absorb all the changes relevant for changes in processes, dependent roles and responsibilities. Change management without properly trained staff cannot succeed.

Result: Leaders and Organisation is ready to deploy all the aligned and approved changes. Job descriptions and Training records are validated/signed and new organisational structure is ready.


New era can start … While technically and organisationally the changes are deployed, the company’s organism is ready to start refreshed under new governance. Functionally the data migration between old and new ERP system is conducted and signed off. At the business Go-live date new era can start.

Result: Successfully deployed ERP system, Organisational changes fully implemented and the company starts ramp-up day-to-day activities and processes.

Michael Bezdek, Management Consulting
Michael Bezdek, Management Consulting

Wrap up

Successful go-live is always time for celebration, but as well this brings a lot of support (hypercare) and follow up actions. Especially while all the day-to-day processes are ramp-up to standard operation, extended support is needed. As a follow up, lessons learned sessions are performed to collect good as well as bad points for project lifecycle. Let’s not forget, the final bill is summarised and final costs are reported.

Result: Lessons learned summary same as the final project evaluation including the budget summary is delivered. Handover to standard organisation support is completed and project is closed.

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